Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks Be to God for His Incredible Gifts!

I was getting my thoughts together about my
Thankful Thanksgiving post and I had a text
from my friend Roxann! 
We must all be thinking of each other this a.m.! 
I am so thankful to God that we can still celebrate
Thanksgiving with our daddies Pop and Daddy Money!
I am so happy and full of gratitude that my
little sister Milna and Paul are here to
share our Thanksgiving table! 

 I am really thankful when I remember
 our moms and all they did for us. 
Thankful, thankful, thankful for blessings of grandparents and family and friends (Patty) who have gone on before us and all of their decendants, our aunts, uncles, and dear cousins! 

Talk about BLESSED and THANKFUL! for our children Amy, April and Brent and the 4 GRANDS John, Mason, Kate, & Caroline! 

And...It warms my heart to think of my dear sweet SHS  friends, Roxanne, Debbie, Sissy, Perry; who always
manage to keep in touch! 

I am so thankful for our closest dearest family friends Wayne, Cathy, Melanie, and Jacob! 

So,so thankful for all of close friends,
too many to number if I start naming names!  
Or maybe I will start to add a few!
Opal!  Always so faithful, diligent, FUN, loyal, loving, caring, kind, helpful, encourager, generous, perfectionist, wise, sensible (good old common sense!), ...there just aren't enough words in the English language to describe Opal!  She knows just about everything there is to know about Lusiana Traditions!  Where to find everything (or she'll just call and find out!), how to make the best gift suggestion, she keeps track of your tickets, knows how to wrap the perfect gift, and she loves everyone!
Opal is the personificaion of my grandmother's saying: " Pretty is as Pretty does!".  Opal is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside!
And, I am humbled with gratitude
for our customers and friends! 
WOW!  Thanks be to God! 

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